Thursday, September 4, 2008

I like rain.

I was watching this movie called “一一”. Literally it means one one, but the title should be interpreted vertically, which means two. So the real title? A one and a Two.
This movie makes me think a lot...

I was slightly depressed that I don't have a normal kind of high school life, that kind of puppy love or high school relationship era... it is non-existent in my life cause I skipped through that part of life...

And now, I can only expect the adulthood relationship, sad eh?? It kinda sucks when I miss the feeling of first love... (though I do have my "first love" around 14, but it's not the same)

I was in an all boy school.

I like rain. (Not to be confused with the Korean popstar Rain-Bi who many of my friends said we looked alike for a lil')
I like seeing rain. I like the feeling when water flows down windows or a big panel of glass, or little raindrops making ripples in a pond of water or in puddle of water...
I like rain. Cause it cleanses the earth and all souls. (of course it also save my time washing my car when I purposely parked my car outside)

I like this feeling, it gives people hope. It gives us a promise, a promise that hard work will bring results, a hopeful feeling that after the down-times in your life is a up up up.
So having a rainy day...isn't too'll know the bright blue sky will appear and if you're lucky rainbow follows.

**The above statement doesn't apply to typhoon or hurricane kinda of rain**

I love rain.

-"The night is darkest before dawn,
the sky is clearest after the rain."-

link of the movie:

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