Monday, September 22, 2008

Back to school, for the second time.

Dear friends and family,
Sorry again for not updating in my blog, obviously classes and life have taken a toll on my time.
Well, I guess I skipped the whole update of fall 2008.
So, yeah Back to school for the second time, but the difference is now it's -12'C and 2009.

Fall 2008
Was a great term. Did well in class, enjoy my friends, enjoy the atmosphere, enjoy having a partnership, someone I really think is cool and fun, even went to Jason Mraz Concert in Milwaukee, life is wonderful...

Then it hits, when you're up there too long, it'll have to come down...

Winter Break 2008
Wasn't too great, partnership started to break into pieces, the boredom of solitude hits, the irrational-emotional trait in my brain hits, confidence level dropped to 3 years low...

However, I did make some new friends, and remade some friends, so it's fine...isn't that everything anyone cares about?

Winter Term 2009
Partnership broke down completely, without notice and warning, well not totally without notice but somehow surprising...I do like surprises, but sometimes...haha not this type...
School got so much harder, emo-frequency on 3 years high, maturity-level fluctuates heavily, intoxicated level - hard to achieve.

So, am I in good shape?? I need to pick myself up very soon.
I want to expand my horizon, I want to study abroad in UK, I want to do internship in UK, I want to do a euro trip, I want to do student exchange in Cairo or Arab world, I want $$, I want a car, I want a crib, I want women (lol), I want a good job, I want to start my business, I want so many things!!

But anyway, la la la la life is wonderful~

"Don't let anything make you hate yourself, cause that probably is very unhealthy"-DD's Fargis dad

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