Updating the not updated...
Summer endowed me with experiences... with life... and well... still waiting for it...love.
Let's skip the adventurous misfortune I had the past couple months!
In short, spending nights in Airports, an old school Chinese train, money BADLY spent.
Well the good news are, I am going to AUC Egypt next year, and I am going to the water resource trip to China year end, I made the dean's list, and I am still alive.
Falling for someone isn't hard. But falling for someone that you know nothing would happen is slightly harder.
Falling... in general is not that hard, it's the aftermath-the coming back that is hard, but the hardest is probably the realization that another fall normally follows after you struggled so much to stand up again.
Anyway, life is funny when it allows emotions but no ideal ways for such emotions to express themselves.
It's like having the most bitter/sour candy in your mouth and can't spit it out because your lips are sealed.
I always prefer to say something I'll regret later than not say something that I'll regret not saying.
Short update.
Use to be lonely.
14 years ago