Alright, my life had been a mess lately...
It started with me not sleeping on time and further screwing my biological clock. Now I sleep around 5.00am and wake up around 12.00pm. Great huh?
Hence I developed a skip-breakfast-and-eat-supper-around-2.30am-syndrome.
Yesterday morning (around 2.15am) I felt hungry and move away from my beloved Mac and go get some cereals. I found this little tupperware with some really tempting cereals. The other big box of muesli that my mom bought wasn't too tempting. So I pour all the cereals from the little tupperware and proceed with HL chocolate milk.
"Crunch, Crunch...gosh this is so much better than the other one in the big box!" I told my mom, she's on headphones watching some youtube line dancing crap. She gave me a condescending look and turn back to the screen. So I go back to my room and finish up my Grey's Anatomy season 4 while chatting with Chris and Sae and etc...
It was really awesome, I was on my headphones (Yes, Sennheiser!!) and munch munch munch watching Mcsteamy screwing nurses... (ok, the last part was kinda over info)
Suddenly, I felt something were moving in my bowl, I started observing the cereals...
OMG, there were tons of "Gregor Samsa"!!!! (Gregor Samsa turned into a monstrous vermin in Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis)
Gregor Samsa-s were crawling all over my bowl, I was super pissed and stomped down the stairs and show the bowl to my mom...
Me: "Mom, are bugs one of the ingredients of this organic fibre cereal??"
Mom: "Oh, let me see?? Oh, that's rice bugs, you know you get it in rice?? It's okay...just that those in our rice don't move anymore..."
Me: "Oh...Okay... no wonder it tasted good..." *awkward laugh*
Mom: "Haha...well that cereal is there came it should be okay?"
Me: "Mom, I have two more weeks to go back, and this cereals were here since..two months ago??"
Mom: "Haha, just throw it away, okay? I'm busy...shooo"
So I dump the shit and thought of eating cheese and crackers...and...
there's only one slice of cheese left!!! I pick up my Ritz biscuits and march up to my room.
'Crunch crunch.." FREAK!! It's STALE!!!! arrrrgggghhhhhhh BAD LUCK!
I finished Grey's Anatomy season 4 on today, finally!! But I'm glad, it was good.
And tonight, I went to Euphoria by MOS. Freak!! First time I enter a club at 10.15pm. But well it's free so screw it. Met some old friends, which was nice!! But to my friends who have ear problem, Euphoria has a vibrating dancefloor, not because it's made that way, but because the freaking bass is all over and when they blast, the floor vibrates, so beware...
Till now... my ears are still..... "Wwwwwnnnngggggg dok dok dok wwwwwnnnnnggg"
"a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness"
Nice seeing you guys again Alina and Leon. Nice meeting you girls too Eva and Mei.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Waking up early out of the blue...
Yes, I woke up at 7.45AM today.
Wonder why...
I slept around 3.00AM, still wondering why...
I have not experience this feeling for a pretty long time...
Wondering why...
Happy Birthday to my friends who are celebrating their Birthdays...
oh guys, if you're Malaysian that can read Malay, check out
It's a pretty cool and funny blog, with perfect bahasa baku!
And apparently we (Amir and I) found out that Mat nor = Lat aka Kampung boy hence Jebon aka Anak Mat Nor aka is the son of the famous Malaysian Artist. (not celebrities) wuahahaha's been a while I notice the morning sun, the chirping of birds, the aunties who do tai-chi with that freaking song...I should start my jogging routine soon...
And so our (Amir,Howard, and I) trip to Penang was cancelled! No more fencing...
So...technically I got a super free weekend that I was looking forward to...
I guess I know why I have this weird feeling...
hmmm... oh btw I'm single again...maybe that explains it...
Ok, habis cerita, memang frust aku bangun terlalu awal, dan agenda seterusnya adalah yang paling penting, sarapan bertema nasi lemak!
PS: JLJM!! It's okay not to reply sms...but I'll be upset...just a lil...
-"Pain is there for a reason, we wouldn't know what kinda fatal trouble we're gonna meet if it's not there. Appreciate pain and you'll appreciate times when you're NOT in pain."-
Wonder why...
I slept around 3.00AM, still wondering why...
I have not experience this feeling for a pretty long time...
Wondering why...
Happy Birthday to my friends who are celebrating their Birthdays...
oh guys, if you're Malaysian that can read Malay, check out
It's a pretty cool and funny blog, with perfect bahasa baku!
And apparently we (Amir and I) found out that Mat nor = Lat aka Kampung boy hence Jebon aka Anak Mat Nor aka is the son of the famous Malaysian Artist. (not celebrities) wuahahaha's been a while I notice the morning sun, the chirping of birds, the aunties who do tai-chi with that freaking song...I should start my jogging routine soon...
And so our (Amir,Howard, and I) trip to Penang was cancelled! No more fencing...
So...technically I got a super free weekend that I was looking forward to...
I guess I know why I have this weird feeling...
hmmm... oh btw I'm single again...maybe that explains it...
Ok, habis cerita, memang frust aku bangun terlalu awal, dan agenda seterusnya adalah yang paling penting, sarapan bertema nasi lemak!
PS: JLJM!! It's okay not to reply sms...but I'll be upset...just a lil...
-"Pain is there for a reason, we wouldn't know what kinda fatal trouble we're gonna meet if it's not there. Appreciate pain and you'll appreciate times when you're NOT in pain."-
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yeah Olympics!
So this past week was all about Olympics!!
Everything was interesting!! The Opening, the performance, the sports, the fencing, and basically almost everything was awesome!
Many has been talking about the lip-sync-ing and the enhanced footstep videos. But well, who cares? It's show business!! As long as everyone's happy, and everyone that worked hard got their credits! It's not like the new little girl did not do her job? If you're 9 and you are facing 90 thousand people, and you have to smile and sing and "fly" around a huge ass stadium! Then start clapping for her and also give credits to the one singing behind! Are the applause only for the little girl or the applause for the whole thing?
Digital enhanced videos, so what? Does it give you a great feel? Yes it does! Then give credits to the workers and geniuses that are working their asses off behind the scene! It's all about the final presentation!
Alright, enough rambling about that...haha...
Fencing was just awesome, top notch world class fencing!! Korea's Nam Hyun Hee was awesome, she lost to Verzalli in experience. That's cool! Men's sabre!! Yeah for China's Zhong Man and Christian Bauer (coach). Finally an Asian grab the big title!! Asians are smart and agile too!!!
One sport that I really like to watch is archery, it's so freaking awesome!! How can someone shoot 30m away without any aid! Better not mess with them at all!
And so, I went to KLCC and watched with JLJM. (wuahahhaha) Was a good chick flick with many funny moments and puns..."My dog ran up and I was wondering whether it was on your Dic.. I mean Deck".
And then we had cakes in "The Apartment". Not too bad, nice view and definitely recommended for couples! But it's a little bit pricey for normal meals!
Overall, I'm having fun this past week, doing nothing but TV and hang out with friends!
Oh!! I also sold a ruler printed for keyboard for MYR3.50!! (USD1.20 maybe)
Anyway, to someone who I still care about...(well don't define care with me okay?)
Hope we could be good friends and understand each other more!!
Everything was interesting!! The Opening, the performance, the sports, the fencing, and basically almost everything was awesome!
Many has been talking about the lip-sync-ing and the enhanced footstep videos. But well, who cares? It's show business!! As long as everyone's happy, and everyone that worked hard got their credits! It's not like the new little girl did not do her job? If you're 9 and you are facing 90 thousand people, and you have to smile and sing and "fly" around a huge ass stadium! Then start clapping for her and also give credits to the one singing behind! Are the applause only for the little girl or the applause for the whole thing?
Digital enhanced videos, so what? Does it give you a great feel? Yes it does! Then give credits to the workers and geniuses that are working their asses off behind the scene! It's all about the final presentation!
Alright, enough rambling about that...haha...
Fencing was just awesome, top notch world class fencing!! Korea's Nam Hyun Hee was awesome, she lost to Verzalli in experience. That's cool! Men's sabre!! Yeah for China's Zhong Man and Christian Bauer (coach). Finally an Asian grab the big title!! Asians are smart and agile too!!!
One sport that I really like to watch is archery, it's so freaking awesome!! How can someone shoot 30m away without any aid! Better not mess with them at all!
And so, I went to KLCC and watched with JLJM. (wuahahhaha) Was a good chick flick with many funny moments and puns..."My dog ran up and I was wondering whether it was on your Dic.. I mean Deck".
And then we had cakes in "The Apartment". Not too bad, nice view and definitely recommended for couples! But it's a little bit pricey for normal meals!
Overall, I'm having fun this past week, doing nothing but TV and hang out with friends!
Oh!! I also sold a ruler printed for keyboard for MYR3.50!! (USD1.20 maybe)
Anyway, to someone who I still care about...(well don't define care with me okay?)
Hope we could be good friends and understand each other more!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
So yesterday I went to JPA to submit my loan stuff, but what I got is the infamous Malaysian Govt Bureaucracy!
>Reached Putrajaya @ 11.30am
>Asked block C1 lobby receptionist, the kakak does not have a clue what I'm talking about, so she pointed me to the Pejabat. (Office) Office kakak asked me to go 5th floor.
>5th floor, waited for 20 minutes for my turn, and then talked to the receptionist, he had to call the one in charge of my stuff. Waited another 5 minutes and she came out to serve me. But then she said I need my documents verified! I thought I sent her an email asking whether I could verify them in JPA. So she asked me to go SPA in block C7 to see whether there's an official who can verify them.
>Block C7, asked lobby receptionist about my stuff, pointed me to 9th floor.
>9th floor, waited for a while, and asked the receptionist, they said they don't know whether they do it, I should go ask the front desk.
>Front desk personnel point me to the main office.
>Main office- waited for a while and the receptionist asked me what I want, after explaining my concerns, she replied that no official was available to sign and verify my stuff.
>So, long trip for nothing...
>Reached VI (my high school) @ 12.55pm, luckily the Penolong Kanan was there, and he signed my documents in 5 minutes...smooth as butter, slick like oil... just made me wonder why the hell I take the pain to do all the shit I did while it's all done in 5 minutes back in school???
Lesson learned: Direct your problems to the right person, or else you're looking for trouble.
Hence this bring me to my next agenda, haircut...
So I went to my usual haircut place..T&Guys..the dude that cut my hair before wasn't there, and there's this chick that cut my hair...she's really pretty from the sideview!! hahahaha, and only the sideview...And she took longer than I expected cause I said..."Cut however you want to, be creative and experimental!"
Well that's why I'm late to Howard's place, and late to Jamie's place..and late to Midvalley to meet Amir...wuahhahahaha...yeah sorry guys, it's my fault!! I'm such a
Oh Oh! now I remember, before the movie, we had Haagen Daz chocolate Fondue!! OMG! That's freakin' good!! Strawberries, Apple slices, Love letters biscuits, Chipsmore, Short cake pieces, Nuts, and 4 different flavors of ice cream in little bite sizes + a hot fudge of melted chocolate!!
Yupe that was awesome and expensive, so we went for movies after that...LOUSY MUMMY 3!
I even doze off for 5 minutes in the climax when the run around and blasting mountains...
But the chick in there was pretty cute...Isabella is the name!!
And so we're off for Safiz mamak food and shisha and hang out a bit in Uncle Dons aka The Attap(lame).
And...that's about little outing day with Jamie, Amir, Howard, then Chris, Chee Lim, Neo? and later Emir,Aisyah,Nelson,Justin, and..Ryan I guess??
--Till Then--
>Reached Putrajaya @ 11.30am
>Asked block C1 lobby receptionist, the kakak does not have a clue what I'm talking about, so she pointed me to the Pejabat. (Office) Office kakak asked me to go 5th floor.
>5th floor, waited for 20 minutes for my turn, and then talked to the receptionist, he had to call the one in charge of my stuff. Waited another 5 minutes and she came out to serve me. But then she said I need my documents verified! I thought I sent her an email asking whether I could verify them in JPA. So she asked me to go SPA in block C7 to see whether there's an official who can verify them.
>Block C7, asked lobby receptionist about my stuff, pointed me to 9th floor.
>9th floor, waited for a while, and asked the receptionist, they said they don't know whether they do it, I should go ask the front desk.
>Front desk personnel point me to the main office.
>Main office- waited for a while and the receptionist asked me what I want, after explaining my concerns, she replied that no official was available to sign and verify my stuff.
>So, long trip for nothing...
>Reached VI (my high school) @ 12.55pm, luckily the Penolong Kanan was there, and he signed my documents in 5 minutes...smooth as butter, slick like oil... just made me wonder why the hell I take the pain to do all the shit I did while it's all done in 5 minutes back in school???
Lesson learned: Direct your problems to the right person, or else you're looking for trouble.
Hence this bring me to my next agenda, haircut...
So I went to my usual haircut place..T&Guys..the dude that cut my hair before wasn't there, and there's this chick that cut my hair...she's really pretty from the sideview!! hahahaha, and only the sideview...And she took longer than I expected cause I said..."Cut however you want to, be creative and experimental!"
Well that's why I'm late to Howard's place, and late to Jamie's place..and late to Midvalley to meet Amir...wuahhahahaha...yeah sorry guys, it's my fault!! I'm such a
Oh Oh! now I remember, before the movie, we had Haagen Daz chocolate Fondue!! OMG! That's freakin' good!! Strawberries, Apple slices, Love letters biscuits, Chipsmore, Short cake pieces, Nuts, and 4 different flavors of ice cream in little bite sizes + a hot fudge of melted chocolate!!
Yupe that was awesome and expensive, so we went for movies after that...LOUSY MUMMY 3!
I even doze off for 5 minutes in the climax when the run around and blasting mountains...
But the chick in there was pretty cute...Isabella is the name!!
And so we're off for Safiz mamak food and shisha and hang out a bit in Uncle Dons aka The Attap(lame).
And...that's about little outing day with Jamie, Amir, Howard, then Chris, Chee Lim, Neo? and later Emir,Aisyah,Nelson,Justin, and..Ryan I guess??
--Till Then--
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Pre-21...a summary...

So I was in college for a year, learned a lot, laughed a lot, cried a lot, been through a slightly less interesting part of my life...
Looking back, I think everyone's life is so interesting and extra-ordinary, and yet we always complain that we're bored. There are so many things that change the course of our life, the decisions we made, the path we took etc...

Nothing much, a tip of the ice berg of environmental science, some understanding of gender and sex, a little typical knowledge of economics, and read more books than I did in my high-school years.
Well, what I really learned this year is people, different people, cultures, attitudes, circumstances, politics, etc..
So if I shall die tomorrow, I'll be happy enough, really! I don't mind cause I always believe things should die during their peak or at least during their beautiful moment, and this moment differs from people. Some people are most beautiful when they are 90 with their children,grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Some are most beautiful when they are 5 years old. It all depends, so why dread about stuff that we can't control? I'm satisfied with myself so far, that I can look back and say I do not regret 99% of the stuff I did. (Besides that event where I shit my pants..opppss)
Okay, okay... so I'm 21 right now, I should really start planning more for life...
What do I want to do? What do I want to achieve in 5-10 years? What is my life? What do I really want? I bet this questions arises to everyone of you... But do spend some time thinking and talking about it... cause it's gonna change your way of thinking...
Last but not least, 大好きだよ〜 to a person that I care,
- See things from many angles, and you'll see miracles and solutions. -
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